Film Institution
There are THREE main processes that Media Institution follow:
Production.- This is the making of the media
Distribution.- This is the advertising to the audience, is the promotion.
Exchange.- This is the profit that comes from the exchange in all the advertising.
However, now we must concentrate in the distribution of our film. For this purpose we have to focus on the way we are to do the advertising for the thriller film. There are several Film Institutions, but for this film we are to concentrate on two main ones: Hollywood and The Independent British.
In order to get a clearer idea of what a DISTRIBUTOR is and does, is recommendable to first of all give a breve synopsis of what it is. A distributor acts a as a connection between the producers of the film and the audience. To reach and fulfil this expectations, the Distributors make use of several alternatives as for example: Cinema adverts, DVD, adverts on the TV and adverts around the city in buses or in the houses' walls.Each Distributor has a different style, ideas, funding, and last but not least the marketing plan. Being a Distributor now days is more competitive because of all the others Distributors around the city, country, and continent are trying to gain more audiences for their own projects.
The job of a Distributor is one of the most complicated ones as he/she has to make in-numerous decisions along the way:
- Think of a possible date for the release of the film
- Decide in which and how many times the advert is to be displayed
- Think of ways in which the audience can be attracted to the film, in many cases this is done by inviting to the premier famous actors and actresses.
- They have to design adverts that are eye catching, so everyone can relate to them.
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