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Saturday 4 February 2012

Skills Audit to date what you have learned about equipment and software and blogging skills.

Over the course I have learnt how to use various software, such as Final Cut Pro. Learning to use this programme was crucial as after filming our footage we needed to be able to edit and construct scenes to put our thriller together. Using Final Cut Pro you can also add title sequences to include a film title as well as opening credits, which will make our thriller, look more professional.  Sound is also a big part of editing so the use of Sound Track Pro was necessary as we could add on extra sounds, including Foley sounds as during filming certain sounds may not be picked up. Sound Track pro also allows you to add background music which is vital for a thriller as it can be said that the music is the most important aspect.

In order to get our edited footage onto our blog it needed to be compressed using Mpeg. Doing so was a simple process as there were already blogger ‘pre-sets’ available so all that had to be done was uploading the required file.  As blogging is also a key part of our course this proved to be even more helpful as it provided an alternative to the conventional screen shots.

Through doing different blogging tasks I have tried to post blogs in creative ways instead of just writing. I have posted photos of work I have completed, I have uploaded video analysis’s and slide shows. I tried to use more inviting texts and various colours and sizes to highlight key information.  Also on our blog we completed a health and safety tutorial on the camera equipment and tripods and how to use them appropriately.

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