Genre does not rely simply on what's in a media text but also on the way it is put together (constructed). This can be important, for example, when distinguishing between a horror movie and a thriller, which can deal with similar subject matter, and look the same — lots of action set at night — but belong to separate genres (a horror film takes the audience into a supernatural place, where a thriller sticks to reality).
A subgenre is a additional catergory of genre added to a piece of media providing addtional features that could help attract a wider audience.
The Film Shutter Island is a Psychological thriller that also has an additional subgenere of horror.
This particualr piece of media inspires me as a thriller as it appeals to the audience through keeping them constantly 'guessing' throughout the film, drawing them to think for themselves to what they believe is actually going on.
From watching this clip I was inspired by the use of sound to build up to a climax. For example 'mood music' is used throughout the sequence. This makes the audience aware of the genre. Also in the clip at 2:06 the contrast in sound is built up as also of a sudden the music becomes a faster tempo before going deadly silent, in order to startle the audeince as something is about to drasticly happen.
There is also a use of dim low key lighting to convey the atmosphere throughout there are never extreme bright colours used.
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