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Tuesday 3 January 2012

Independance day

Independence Day

Over the holidays the film I watched for my thriller was 'Independence Day' starring Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum.
The following scene has been taken from the film as I feel it strongly represents the aspects of a thriller in the following clip Indepdence day


Independance Day  << Watch Clip
The use of sound motif reflects the mood and atmosphere of the film giving the audience empathy as it becomes apparent that something important is about to happen keeping them on the edge of their seats. This form of non diegetic sound creates 'mood music' as well as being combined with this close up of the characters face shows the severity of what is about to happen.

This scene depicts the arising danger as the previously playing music has stopped and there is a moment of silence to allow the character to speak 


The use of jump cuts also creates tension combined with the use of editing from perspective as these fast paced transitions creates a dramatic build up to a climax as the city is about to be destroyed

<Example of the jump cuts>

The camera work as well as the mise en scene shows the audience all the people that are present before the explosion as it

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